What is Hydrafacial?
HydraFacial is an award-winning, revolutionary, and anti-aging Hydradermabrasion Facial procedure that deeply cleanses, softly exfoliates, intensely hydrates, and reduces the appearance of fine lines on your skin. The HydraFacial Vortex-Infusion technology improves the quality of your skin tone and texture.
In this episode of Hannah London’s Podcast, we answer the question
What is Hydrafacial?
Watch the video to find out.
Najet: What about the HydraFacial What is the HydraFacial? Lauren: So this is another six-step treatment. We work with lymphatic drainage to help deep cleanse. We then move on to lifting away all the dead skin cells so that all the products that we’re going to use penetrate deeply and that step is called deep cleanse. We then use a mild peel. And depending on what we’re treating we will select the right peel for the skin and type depending on how many treatments the client has had we might increase the percentages. And after we’ve done the peel what that’s going to do is it’s going to help to also brighten break down dead skin cells but also soften what we’re going to be extracting in the next step. So the next step is going to be your extraction but it’s done with a machine so it’s not uncomfortable it’s not painful. And we can actually see the blackheads being removed from the pores. We focus usually on two areas of the face depending on whether that’s the nose and chin may be the cheekbones where you might be using bronzer or the forehead depending on what somebody needs. Najet: Wow that sounds amazing.
Make sure to join our next episode to learn more about hydrafacial or wow facial and get even more questions answered.
At Hannah London, you can have confidence in our highly trained therapists and aesthetic specialists with years of experience.
Treat yourself today and get glowing with our hydrafacial or wow facial treatment at Hannah London.
Don’t think twice, book your treatment today.