Are there any side effects to a HIFU treatment? Hannah London Medi Spa

Are there any side effects to a HIFU treatment?

This is a very safe treatment and side effects are very rare. 

There is very minimal redness after the treatment and no bruising or swelling. 

This procedure is quick, easy, and pain-free so you can get back to work or return to your daily routine right away!

Our clients love this clinically proven treatment. Don’t think twice and book your HIFU today at one of our two HIFU London clinics.

In this episode of the Hannah London’s Podcast we answer the question “Are there any side effects to a HIFU treatment?”.

Watch the video to learn more about HIFU treatment side effects.

Make sure to join our next episode to learn more about HIFU and get even more questions answered.

This video is part of Hannah London’s Podcast series on HIFU treatment.

Click the link below to listen to the full podcast.

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Are there any side effects to a HIFU treatment? Well hehe.

Well yeah.

Look, I think again compared to surgery, but again, we have to remember that this is probably one of the most intense treatments that there is next to to cosmetic surgery, you know what I mean? Yeah, it is quite an intense treatment. So side effects you’re probably looking at is there will be a bit of swelling around the areas that you’ve worked with, for a couple of days after, and just because it’s your body’s protective function, and it will send water to that area to help protect it after there’s been like a bit of an injury.

Yeah, and you can also have what we call the ‘cat scratches’. So basically, in that, if you’re sensitive, if you’re really fair, and in some areas, you may have some red lines afterwards, but they will minimise in about two days to three days. And you can get a little bit sore as well.

Oh yeah, and it feels like it’s kind of feels like you’ve been a little bit sort of someone’s kind of punched you a little bit in the bone like it’s kind of like a bit of an ache into the bone. So but that can actually last for a couple of weeks. It’s just because this treatment to get the amazing results that it does, it really penetrates a lot deeper than any other medical sort of clinic treatment. So that’s why it brings about the sort of side effects that it does. Yeah, so you can definitely have a little bit of pain in the area and we probably definitely wouldn’t recommend sort of going out in the sun directly after the treatment because we’ve put a lot of heat into the skin and you’re going to feel a little bit sensitive.

Yeah wait at least 24 hours like go two days and if you do make sure you’re wearing sunscreen

Sunscreen always sunscreen always regardless of anything but yeah and also you know you can get a bit of a headache it’s just the treatment itself like we’ve said is it’s quite an intense treatment. So sometimes the body sort of reaction is to get a bit of a headache because of it’s like a stress in the skin so a little bit of a headache, but nothing too nothing too major. I mean it kind of feels like there might be a bit of bruising but there is no physical bruising on the skin. It’s so you don’t see any marks or anything like that. It’s literally just it can feel a little bit delicate and a little bit sort of like a deep ache in the bones.

And one of the things you can do to help to minimise apart from everything that we say it’s actually use an ice pack on top of the area you can minimise this too when it’s sore and also apart from the sunscreen what else we can do is minimise..

You can also take sort of like medication or maybe like your iBuprofen and

Yeah, you can even use medication prior if you need like a painkiller if you’re too sensitive.

I wouldn’t take anything too strong though because, so ibuprofen should be fine or paracetamol should be fine, but nothing too strong because we need to know whether how much you’re feeling it and if that’s the sort of dulled the pain a little bit it could be a little bit too intense.

So moving on to the next question since we’re talking about side effects I think it’s worth to say is HIFU treatment painful? That’s I think the most requested.

Yeah haha, we get that a lot. You know what, I never want to sort of like I don’t want to mislead people so I don’t want to scare anyone either. But I have to be honest in terms of the HIFU treatment is not pleasant. It is pretty painful. It literally feels like someone is punching you.

For me it’s more like a hot needle going into your skin very quick though because we work with shots like we’re going to press the button and you’re going to feel like a sharp you’re going to feel like a sharp sensation like a hot shot go into your skin

Yeah i think that’s when we when it’s actually on and then afterwards you feel like this deep ache in the skin so I mean fantastic results and honestly it’s way better than surgery. It’s worth it’s worth it. It’s waiting for the surgery and going in then you’ve got now but I have the bruising yeah you wouldn’t be in a lot of pain from surgery as well as rest.

You need to rest at least two to three weeks.

Exactly stitches all the rest of it, it’s definitely worth it but yes to be honest..

and also pain is very it’s very relative like it depends on the person.

Yeah, absolutely. Some people find it, I mean to be honest with you when I had it done my neck I was fine on my jaw line because again it’s a bone. Yeah, so on my jaw line was a little bit sensitive.

Depends on the cartilages as well some cliets say they feel more when we use the deeper ones and some clients feel more when we use this superficial one because they feel it like the hottest session onto the skin. So actually it really depends. And I’ve had my clients say that I swear I had clients where they said they felt nothing. It was like okay for them, lifted results.

It’s all dependent on people’s sort of pain threshold and pain tolerance as well. But you know, in the majority of people will tell you that it is a little bit painful, but not the most comfortable, not the most comfortable treatment, but honestly, so worth it, honestly.

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