Chin enhancement treatment in London

Chin enhancement with dermal fillers 

Define and recontour your chin
Disguise the appearance of a double chin
Restore youthful support and address sagging jowls
Reduce dimples and creases

Chin enhancement treatment

For patients who wish to subtly recontour their chin and restore youthful fullness to the lower face, chin enhancement with filler offers a gentle, non-surgical solution, with no downtime.  

We offer chin enhancement treatment at our Harley Street and Colindale, London clinics. Our expert practitioner will be able to assess your specific concern to ascertain whether this is a suitable treatment for you. 

You will experience your treatment at one of our luxurious, award-winning London aesthetic clinics, led by Dr Kaywaan Khan.

portrait-young-woman-practicing-facial-yoga-youth 1

Treatment Explained

Chin enhancement
treatment overview

Group 213

Treatment Type

Injectable dermal filler

Group 217



Group 215

Treatment Areas

Chin and jawline

Group 218

Benefit Duration

6 – 18 months

Group 214

Treatment Time

30 minutes

Group 216


Minimal (your practitioner will advise)

Group 141

Chin enhancement with dermal fillers benefits

  • Chin contouring

    Chin contouring with dermal fillers can be life-changing for patients who are unhappy with their chin, and how it impacts their overall facial profile.
    A recessive or set-back chin can lack definition and make other facial features, such as the nose, look more prominent. A well-defined chin, which is in proportion with your facial features, brings attractive balance and harmony.
    Some patients feel that their chin is too pointed, or perhaps laxity in the jowls has caused a lack of definition, which is ageing.
    Dermal fillers are a non-invasive solution to subtly recontour the chin, without the need for implants.
    As we age, and loss of collagen causes skin laxity, our facial profile naturally alters from its youthful ‘V’ shape to more of an ‘A’ shape. By supporting the chin and lower face with collagen-stimulating dermal fillers, we restore the lifted appearance of youthful skin.
    We will achieve a balanced, defined, more youthful jawline that is aesthetically pleasing, and makes you look fabulous from every angle.

  • Reduce dimples and creases

    Patients can also feel very self-conscious of deep chin dimples or creases. These might appear when particular facial expressions are made or be permanently visible.
    For patients who are unhappy with the depth of dimples or creases, dermal fillers smooth out the skin to disguise or significantly reduce these features.

  • Non-surgical treatment with no downtime

    Dermal fillers offer a gentle, effective, non-surgical solution to chin enhancement. You can go on with your life as normal, with no downtime.

  • Combined treatment for enhanced results

    Treatment with dermal fillers can be combined with chin botox to further reduce dimpling of the chin.
    Treatment with chin and jaw fillers together can further define and support the lower face, to create transformative results.

Chin enhancement, London prices

Talk to us about chin fillers

Chin enhancement £450
Chin and Jaw Enhancement £850

Chin enhancement before and after

See the benefits for yourself.

Chin enhancement reviews

Calf augmentation

The science behind dermal
fillers for chin enhancement

Dermal fillers are rich in hyaluronic acid. This naturally occurring substance in the body is responsible for maintaining moisture levels in the skin. 

As we age, production of hyaluronic acid diminishes, which causes skin laxity, lines and wrinkles.

The hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers is gel-like in texture, so when injected in targeted areas into the skin it restores volume and has a lifting, contouring effect on facial features. 

The hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers is also deeply hydrating. It acts as a magnet for moisture, so your skin feels and appears hydrated, healthy and plump.

Chin enhancement with dermal fillers
- your questions answered

Meet one of our doctors for a consultation to discuss your treatment options

  • What is chin enhancement with dermal fillers?

    The hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers is a gel-like substance that restores volume in the skin and has a lifting, contouring effect on facial features.
    Dermal fillers can be used to effectively and subtly recontour the chin, to give the desired facial profile. They also deeply hydrate the skin to give a plump and healthy appearance.

  • Is chin enhancement treatment safe?

    Dermal fillers are usually safe and effective. There can be some risks as with any skin injectables. However, when dermal fillers are administered by a trained medical professional, risks are minimised.
    The greatest risk of having filler treatment with an inexperienced practitioner is incorrect injection of the filler. If the filler enters a blood vessel, blood supply can be blocked to that part of the face.

  • Does dermal filler treatment for chin enhancement hurt?

    There may be slight discomfort during treatment, but this is minimised by the application of topical anaesthetic cream beforehand.

  • What are the side effects of dermal fillers for chin enhancement?

    The most common side effects are redness and swelling at the injection sites, which diminish immediately following treatment.

  • What aftercare is required?

    Following dermal filler treatment, you should avoid intense exercise, excessive sun or heat exposure, and consumption of alcohol, for 24 hours. This helps to minimise risk of temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the injection sites.
    Your practitioner will give you full information about any aftercare requirements.

  • How long do dermal fillers for lip enhancement last?

    Dermal fillers last between 6 and 18 months.
    After about six months, your body naturally breaks down the hyaluronic acid fillers. You have the option to get top-ups once or twice a year to maintain the benefits.

  • What are the benefits of dermal fillers for chin enhancement?

    The benefits of dermal fillers for chin enhancement include:
    ● A more defined or recontoured chin
    ● Restored youthful fullness and hydration
    ● Reduction in features such as dimples and creases

  • Has chin enhancement with dermal fillers ever gone wrong?

    We're not aware of any problems following treatment, where it was administered by a trained medical professional.

  • What does chin enhancement cost?

    Please see above for our price list for chin enhancement with dermal fillers.

Meet one of our doctors for a consultation to discuss your treatment options

Welcome to
Hannah London

We’re a team of aesthetic and medical specialists lead by Dr Kaywaan Khan. We provide award-winning facial, body and hair treatments to clients across London.

Our ethos is to offer cutting-edge treatments in a luxurious setting, ensuring that you leave our clinic feeling pampered and looking fabulous.