Why An Autism or ADHD
Diagnosis Is Important
If you think you or your child may have autism or ADHD, getting a diagnosis is often the first step to getting the support you need. But with NHS autism or ADHD assessment waiting lists getting longer and longer, you could end up waiting years just to have an assessment, never mind a diagnosis.
With conditions like autism and ADHD, a diagnosis can open the door to a range of support and treatment options. But without a diagnosis, that door remains firmly closed, leaving many people to deal with these complex conditions alone.
Our psychiatrist services can provide assessment and diagnosis for autism or ADHD quickly and efficiently, giving you the answers you need to move forward.

What Is Autism?
Autism is a developmental condition that affects how people communicate and interact with the world.
Quite often, people with autism may:
- Struggle to communicate and interact with others
- Find body language and social cues challenging to understand
- Find it difficult to cope with bright lights and loud noises
- Get upset or anxious when their routine changes
- See the world in a different or more creative way
- Find certain subjects or topics extremely interesting
- Enjoy order, routine and strategic thinking
It’s important to remember that autism is a spectrum, so no two autistic people are the same.
What Is ADHD?
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It’s a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect children and adults.
Signs of ADHD include:
– hyperactivity and impulsiveness
– having a short attention span
– finding it difficult to focus on one task
– appearing to forget and lose things
– mood swings and irritability
Autism and ADHD diagnosis often occur in childhood, but in recent times, we’ve seen more adults seeking an autism or ADHD assessment.
Private Autism and ADHD Tests For Adults
While these conditions aren’t life-threatening, they can make it hard for people to navigate the world around them, making them feel isolated and alone, leading to issues like depression and anxiety.
That’s why getting an autism or ADHD assessment quickly is essential to help those with these conditions get the help and support they need.
 Autism and ADHD tests for adults can be that ‘light bulb moment’ where someone finally understands themselves and why they are the way they are. ADHD tests for adults and autism or ADHD diagnosis can’t take these conditions away, but they can provide answers.
GP Services at Hannah London
At Hannah London, our quality private psychiatrist services give you access to excellent medical care when you need it the most. Our experienced GPs understand that, when it comes to autism and ADHD, rapid assessment and diagnosis are critical for positive patient outcomes.
Our psychiatrist services provide comprehensive autism and ADHD assessment with same-day assessments available. Our GPs have a wealth of experience and are committed to providing confidential, patient-first care.
Meet one of our doctors for a consultation to discuss your treatment options
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